Monday, 30 November 2009

Passion project rubric

This is my Passion project self assesment rubric, showing my achievement with my passion project.

Monday, 23 November 2009


Passion project Keynote

This is my Passion project keynote, showing a record of what we did during our time spent on passion projects.

Passion project reflection


This is my tile,which shows all the things I am good at and enjoy. The Paint pallet, Paint tube, Paint brush and coloured pencils shows I like painting and drawing and just Art in general.The red reading book represents how I enjoy reading. The writing book and pencil shows how I like writing.
Down the bottom I have a line of people which shows I am people-smart and get on quite well with people.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Comic life

To make our comic life we took photos using camera techniques such as mouse veiw which is the photo's I've got here.Then we made it into a comic- page.We also adjusted the camera at different angles to change the way the photo looks.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Tuning in...

When my life is ideal...

1.I am a reasonable weight for my age.

2.I am a student at Otago university.

3.I am a designer at my dad's clothing shop.

4.I live in a modern two story house.

5.I have written a successful children's picture book.

The habit of mind I am working towards is...
Finding humour